Helping young leaders to grow
Grow Ministries has developed a new training program designed to provide ongoing and sustainable leadership development for young adults of the Lutheran Church of Australia.
Beginning in January 2017, the Grow Leadership program will require a part-time commitment for 11 months by participants. It will accept 12 young adults from across the church, as well as six young adults from LCA International Mission partner churches.
Participants will be required to engage in local congregational ministry for a minimum of 18 hours, commit to regular one-on-one mentoring, attend two week-long intensive training sessions, and take part in a ‘Stretch and Grow’ experience in Cambodia.
Among other things, the program aims to assist those involved to grow in their faith; cultivate leadership skills which will help them contribute to the church and the wider community; gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of Lutheran theology and connect deeply with their local faith community.
It is a national project of the LCA’s 50.500 faith.freedom.future initiative for this synodical term to celebrate, commemorate, and focus on the church that God is building.
More information about Grow Ministries: Grow Ministries website
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT 50.500, Grow Ministries, leadership development, youth and young adults