Rethinking faith formation
What does it mean to form faith in children and youth? What seems to work best and why? Is your congregation looking to rethink your ministry to children and youth? Culture and society have changed so much in recent years, raising many new questions, issues and pressures for ministry leaders and congregations.
Grow Ministries has been involved in delivering a face-to-face model of coaching and training over the past 10 years as an interactive process of helping ministry teams and congregations rethink their approach to ministry by introducing a strategic pathway of lifelong faith formation.
We are pleased to inform you that these workshops are now available online. We have redesigned our content to bring it to your congregation using online meeting platforms and workbooks. We have four workshops available, which are designed to build on each other but will also stand alone:
- Rethinking Faith Formation
- Intergenerational Faith Formation
- Family Faith Formation
- Missional Faith Formation.
The content of these workshops will help your congregation wrestle with your questions and desires around child, youth and family ministry and brainstorm how best to lead ministry in the 21st century while introducing the Grow Ministries ‘10 Guiding Principles’.
Congregations that participate in these workshops become learning communities that foster helpful faith formation practices, particularly in the areas of child, youth and family ministry. They also provide opportunities to equip lay people as they volunteer or lead ministry in their congregation.
For more information, contact Jodi Brook ( or Christine Matthias (
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT Grow Ministries, Local Mission, Local Mission – Training and Events, training, workshop