Check your congregation details for our new find-a-church tool
Did you know the LCA website has a find-a-church tool that can be used to locate Lutheran churches, schools or aged-care facilities?
The Find a Church webpage has an easy-to-use search function where a suburb, town, city or state can be typed into the search bar. The map will indicate where Lutheran churches (red) are located. Clicking on the marker will show the church’s name, street address, email and website.
The data displayed on this page is generated from LAMP2; therefore, if your congregation’s details are not up to date, you may miss out on visitors or not-yet Christians joining you for worship because of incorrect websites, service times or contact details.
Please ensure that a representative of your congregation with LAMP2 access checks the website listed on the Find a Church webpage is correct. You’ll find links to instructions for editing your church office details here.
If you encounter problems making any updates or have questions about these processes, please email with your query and contact details, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.