Borgfeldt Legacy
Borgfeldt Legacy grants are available to congregations, schools, aged care and community services, departments and agencies that require financial support for the welfare of children. The Borgfeldt Legacy offers two funding streams: major grants (maximum value of $50,000) and minor grants (maximum value of $10,000).
What is it?
The Borgfeldt Legacy is an estate left to ‘Lutheran Children’s Homes, Australia'. However, as no organisation by that title existed, the Lutheran Church of Australia Inc was appointed by the Supreme Court of California on 10 May 1987 to administer the estate.
The General Church Board (GCB) of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) has delegated the task of administering the legacy to the Council for Local Mission. GCB will retain general oversight of the legacy and will ratify all recommendations for disbursements of the legacy made by the council.
An application may be for a specific once-off project or for initial support for a longer-term child-focused program.
Apply today
The downable documents on this page will help you to understand the application process. The booklet and application forms are to be used when applying for a Borgfeldt Legacy grant from the LCANZ’s Council for Local Mission (which is acting under delegated authority from GCB).
All successful grant recipients are required to provide a written grant acquittal within 12 months of the receipt of funding.
Please read through this information and prayerfully consider how best your entity can support the welfare of the children in your locality before completing the documentation.
The funds available from the Borgfeldt Legacy are limited. The Council for Local Mission will not grant monies for recurrent programs and will prioritise applicants seeking funds for initial support for self-sustaining projects and for targeted once-off projects that have a lasting and positive impact.
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