Children - Sunday, 6 October 2024 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Proper 22)

The children could gather round for the reading of the gospel (or after verse 12 they could be asked to come forward), and immediately after the response following the gospel the pastor could bless each child, laying his hands on them, saying something like ‘N, (may) Jesus bless you’.

In some places, the children are dismissed for Sunday school during the hymn after the gospel. This might be a good opportunity to introduce a regular ‘blessing of the children’ at this point, especially if they are not present to receive a blessing during communion. This blessing and dismissal corresponds in part to the way in which catechumens were blessed and dismissed before the celebration of the Lord’s supper in the early church. The blessing may be done simply as outlined above, or in the following way:

1   The pastor lays his right hand on the head of each child in turn.
2   These words may be used: ‘The Lord Jesus bless you, and keep you in the grace of your baptism’.
3   The pastor uses the thumb of his right hand to draw a small cross on the forehead of each child as he speaks these words.
4   When all have been blessed, the dismissal may be spoken to them.

Children's Address for Proper 22B: Proper 22B

Leading Children's Addresses

The advice above and many other great resources for Children, Young People and Families have been developed by Grow Ministries. Visit their website to discover more!

Come and See Jesus

The Come and See Jesus curriculum published by Openbook Publishers has a wealth of material and ideas that may be adapted for use in worship. Please note that a new edition of this material is currently available for the Revised Common Lectionary.

This week’s story is:
EITHER ‘The little children and Jesus’, Original Edition, Series B, Semester 2 Lower Level (20 Pentecost) OR ‘God creates Eve’. Material for this story may be found in either: Original Edition, Series B, Semester 2, Middle and Upper Levels (20 Pentecost) OR Revised RCL Edition, Series B, Semester 2 (Proper 22).

Links to other resources