Music - Sunday, 6 October 2024 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Proper 22)


There are many music choices available each week. You will find music suggestions for each reading drawn from the Lutheran Hymnal, the All Together song books and Together in Song. In addition, we have selected the Top 4 Public Domain hymns, the Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright and the Top 4 Contemporary Music suggestions each week. You may like to mix and match from these lists to suit your context.

Top 4 Public Domain

If you enjoy traditional hymn singing or your congregation does not have a copyright license, here are our recommended Public Domain hymns for the week:

If a title is hyperlinked, that means that modernised lyrics are available. MP3 backing tracks have been recorded for you to use.

God moves in a mysterious way – LHS 414 - Backing track
O Blessed home where man and wife – LHS 589 - Backing track
Jesus loves me this I know – LHS 609
Of the fathers love begotten - LHS 21 - Backing track

Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright

Copyright information for the following suggestions has been provided. Please ensure that you are reporting the use of any material under copyright.

Father welcomes all his children (CCLI, One Licence) - AT 4
If we will trust in God to guide us (One Licence) - AT 384
May we be one – AT 172 blue (CCLI, One Licence)
In you is gladness (One Licence) - AT 364

Top 4 Contemporary Music Suggestions

The following songs have been carefully reviewed, and are recommended for use in congregational worship, primarily because they point people to Christ and proclaim the message of his word in music and song for this Sunday in the lectionary cycle. They also fit well with other selection guidelines as highlighted in Tips for song selection and Fact Sheet 6: Music in Worship. While the use of a particular song by a band or organisation is not necessarily an endorsement of that group or the entire body of their work, we recognise that any scriptural song is a Spiritual song that can be used to complement a rich diet of worship for God’s people.

Please note, the hyperlinked Youtube clips are provided to give you a sense of how music can be performed or for personal use. You must always obtain permission from the creators of the music videos and the creators of the song before using clips in worship, unless permission is explicitly stated beneath the video.

God Moves In A Mysterious Way - Graham Kendrick - CCLI by William Cowper & Graham Kendrick
Jesus Loves Me - Future:Past (sign language version) - Public Domain words and music
May we be one – Robin Mann - LHS 800/AT 172 - CCLI, One Licence by Robin Mann
Rejoice - Emu Music - CCLI by Dustin Kensrue and Stuart Townend

Song/Hymn suggestions based on the Lectionary readings

Some Lutheran Hymnal and Supplement hymns have modernised lyrics. Click on underlined hymns to see the new lyrics or click here to go to the Modernised Hymns page.

G3, G4 . . . = Guitar chords available in the Music Package 3, 4 …; GS = Guitar chords in the Supplement to LH.
You can purchase the Guitar Chords resource here .

First Reading: a) Job 1:1; 2:1-10



215        My hiding place (Please use freely with permission of the author. Use “Used with permission from Anna Mari Kaskinen”)
384        If we will trust in God to guide us (One Licence)
364       In you is gladness (One Licence)


109        What God ordains is always good
126        God moves in a mysterious way
200        In you is gladness
554        If we will trust in God to guide us

First Reading: b) Genesis 2:18-24


587        O happy home, where Thou art loved the dearest G7
588        O blest the house, whate’er befall* G6
589        O blessed home where man and wife G3
800        May we be one GS (CCLI) (One Licence)
846        The candles are lit GS (CCLI, One Licence)
892        Hear us now, our God and Father G3 (One Licence)


71          Face to face (holy communion) (CCLI, One Licence)
172        May we be one (CCLI, One Licence)
174        Bind us together (CCLI)


581        Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus
645        As man and woman we were made
654        When love is found and hope comes home
664        Your love, O God, has called us here
678        God beyond glory, gracious and holy
698        When the light of first creation

Second Reading: Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12


21          Of the Father’s love begotten G7
26          Praise God the Lord, ye sons of men G4
31          Arise, my soul, sing joyfully* G7
142        We all believe in one true God* G3
169        The head that once was crowned with thorns G5
322        Dear Christians , one and all rejoice* G3
381        O God our Father, throned on high (alt tune 391, G9)
738        The night is marching onwards G4
782        At the name of Jesus G7
791        O love how deep, how broad, how high G5
798        Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round G6
822        God has spoken by his prophets G6 (CCLI)
871        My heart is filled with faith and wonder G6 (used with permission of the estate of HFW Proeve)


161        Majesty (CCLI)
163        Hymn of glory (One Licence, CCLI)
261        The Servant King (CCLI)


113        Now to the Lord a noble song
115        Behold, the amazing gift of love
158        God has spoken by his prophets
194        O love how deep, how broad, how high (vv 1,2,7)
196        Dear Christians, one and all rejoice
231        At the name of Jesus
290        Of the Father’s love begotten
298        Let us all together praise our God
378        The head that was once crowned with thorns
431        Thanks to God whose word was spoken
435        We all believe in God who made

Gospel Reading: Mark 10:2-16


See selections for first reading (b) plus:
276        Dearest Jesus, we are here* G5
280        Jesus took the lambs and blessed them *
600        Gentle Jesus, meek and mild G, STJ 204
609        Jesus loves me! This I know G, STJ 152
618        Jesus, friend of little children* G, STJ 146
825        Cradling children in his arm G4 (One Licence)
826        Father welcomes all his children GS (One Licence) (CCLI)
832        The gentle Shepherd calls G5 (Public Domain)


4            Father welcomes all his children (CCLI, One Licence)
30          There’s a friend for little children (One Licence)
386        Jesus and me (CCLI)


229        Jesus loves me, this I know
236        Jesus’ hands were kind hands
480        Dearest Jesus, we are here
491        Father welcomes all his children
493        Wash, O God, our sons and daughters



The following metrical paraphrase of Psalm 26 by David Schütz is sung to the tune Trisagion, LHS 865. If reproducing this version, please put ‘Words (c) David Schütz’ at the beginning or the end of the psalm.

Vindicate me, Lord, for I have been true,
and, without wavering, trusted in you.
Prove me, O Lord, and put me to the test,
try both my heart’s and my mind’s righteousness.

I keep your steadfast love always in sight;
I’ve lived in faithfulness through all my life.
I shun the worthless and vain hypocrite,
nor with the wicked will I ever sit.

I wash my hands to show you I am clean,
and, at your altar, I serve without sin,
singing to you a loud thanksgiving song,
telling your deeds to the world all day long.

I love the house where your glory abides!
Save me from all those who offer their bribes.
Those who do evil will be swept away –
save me from your righteous judgment that day.

But as for me, I will always be true;
graciously save me in all that I do.
I’m standing firmly in faith on your word,
and, with your people, I sing ‘Praise the Lord!’

Music Resources Vol. 3- Psalm settings : Psalm 26 p44 Psalm 26 p45


Versions of Psalm 8 may also be found in TIS, 3 Lord, our Lord, your glorious name, and 4 O Lord, our Governor.

A paraphrased version of Psalm 8 from the Iona Community may be found in John L Bell, Psalms of patience, protest and praise on page 8.

The following paraphrase, by David Schütz, is sung to the tune Portland, LHS 374. If reproducing this version, please put ‘Words (c) David Schütz’ at the beginning or the end of the psalm.

O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth
your glorious name is ever praised.
Even on lips of infant babes
your song is raised.

When I look at the sun and moon,
the stars and all in heav’n above,
how is it that we humans know
your saving love?

How can it be that you should care
for us poor creatures of the dust?
Yet you have made us like yourself
and honoured us.

Over all creatures great and small
you let us share your power to reign.
O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth
we praise your name.

Music Resources Vol. 3- Psalm settings : Psalm 8 p11 , Psalm 8 p12

Advice for Musicians

Advice for Congregations Without Musicians

Other Music Resources

LCA Music Resources

Downloadable Hymnal Resources (including downloadable backing tracks and lyric PPTs)
Modernised Hymn Lyrics
Hymnal Index (by tune and scriptural link) 
All Together Index (by tune, scriptural link and theme)
Five Songs of Faith

For further Music Resources click here.


While the LCA does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, you may find them helpful in your worship planning.

While the LCA does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, you may find them helpful in your worship planning.
Small Church Music: You can download mp3 and midi files of popular hymn tunes from this site.
Together to Celebrate: lectionary based song and hymn suggestions from a variety of sources.
Singing from the Lectionary: has song and hymn suggestions based on the RCL from other hymnals.
Song Select: catalogues CCLI licensed music. You can search for more contemporary songs by theme. If your congregation has a paid subscription you can also download sheet music and other resources.
Hymns Without Words: mp3 downloads of hymn tunes.
Metrical Psalms by Dale Schoening : Psalms set to well known hymn tunes.