Readings - Tuesday, 25 June 2024 – The Commemoration of the Augsburg Confession

First Reading:
Isaiah 55:6-11 The word of God will not return empty

Psalm 46 - Psalm 46 Antiphon: The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. (Ps 46:7 NRSV)
Psalm 138 - Psalm 138 Antiphon: Before the 'gods' I sing your praise. (Ps 138:1b NRSV)

Responsive Psalm:
Psalm 46 standard
Psalm 46 widescreen
Psalm 138 standard
Psalm 138 widescreen

Second Reading:
1 Timothy 6:11b-16 Fight the good fight of faith

Matthew 10:26-33 What you hear in the dark, speak in the light

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